You are in good hands with Oslo Hiking
Our guides are well prepared! Oslo Hiking team has completed Tour Guiding training and First Aid class to ensure that our guests are safe when they are in our care.
Our guides master in tour guiding by taking courses, learning local facts and myths and constantly exploring the forest and hundreds of its trails in practice.
In November we had a guiding course lead by the local expert Stig E.Roberg.
We talked about different situations and how to handle it so that everyone feels comfortable, played scenarios when unexpected things happen and discussed how to make our hikes more interesting and knowledgeable. Tour guides constantly get feedbacks from our guests, and we discuss every one of them trying to make our tours better.

Oslo Hiking team has also completed First Aid training and we are ready for the 2023 season! 💪
During the course we have trained in the lifesaving skills - how to treat a broken arm, airway obstructions or how to perform CPR. We really hope we never will use these skills, but everyone who goes hiking with us should know that you are in good hands and that we know what to do in case of emergency.