General conditions for tours with When in Norway AS
1. The conclusion and payment terms of the agreement
The agreement between the parties is considered to have been entered into upon confirmed booking.
1.1. Day trips require the full tour price to be paid at time of booking.
2. What is covered by the agreement
The agreement includes the package travel as stated in the booking and confirmation and travel document or similar document, as well as any additional benefits included in the package travel according to agreement between the parties. Otherwise, the agreement also includes When in Norway AS their individual conditions so look.
Furthermore, information When in Norway AS has provided on its website, in catalogs, brochures or part of the agreement unless they are assumed to be of no significance to the customer's purchase of the package package in question. The information is also not considered part of the agreement if it has been clearly changed prior to the conclusion of the agreement. When in Norway AS shall, in its information, draw attention to the possibility that the information may be changed before an agreement is entered into.
3. The price of the trip
3.1. The price
The stated price for the trip shall include all fees, fees and / or taxes the Norwegian and / or foreign authorities may impose on the services covered by the agreement. If tourist tax or electricity is paid directly at the destination, it must be stated that this will apply.
Furthermore, the price shall include any additions for the special wishes the customer may have related to their order or other services When in Norway AS has consented to include in the package journey.
Extras or discounts related to the trip or such optional extras or specifications shall be clearly stated in the organizer's price list / price specification.
The price for any cancellation protection and / or travel insurance comes in addition to the package travel price and is not covered by the provisions of this paragraph. The same applies to any connecting journey or land arrangements that are not part of the package tour.
When in Norway AS may in its individual conditions stipulate that the agreed package travel price may be adjusted up or down by changes in public taxes and / or transport prices and / or the relevant currencies. The customer shall be given a reason for and a calculation of the price increase. When in Norway AS must in the conditions also give the customer a corresponding right to demand a price reduction if the circumstances the organizer reserves the right to adjust the price according to, develop in the customer's favor, cf. Package Travel Act section 19 cf.
The price increase notification must be notified to the customer no later than 20 days before departure in order for the price increase requirement to be valid. The customer, in turn, cannot claim price adjustment in his favor due to circumstances that occur later than 20 days before departure.
A price increase of more than 8% of the agreed purchase price gives the customer the right to withdraw from the agreement free of charge.
In the notice of price increase in accordance with the above provisions, When in Norway AS shall set a reasonable time limit for the customer's right to cancel the purchase without charge. The deadline cannot be set for less than three working days
4. Special conditions related to the agreement
4.1. Cancellation protection and travel insurance
When in Norway AS or intermediary shall inform the customer of the right to draw its own cancellation protection or cancellation insurance from an insurance company, together with the package tour, which ensures customer is entitled to demand to be released from the contract by the sudden and serious illness in themselves or someone in his immediate family, or anyone he is traveling with, or other unexpected and serious incidents, see details of this in section 5.3.
When in Norway AS shall further inform the customer of his access to take out travel insurance with an intermediary or organizer, possibly with an insurance company, ie insurance for loss / damage to luggage etc. and for coverage of medical expenses and any repatriation in case of accident / illness. The customer must be informed of the need to bring a European Health Insurance Card if such travel insurance is not taken out.
If the purchase agreement is concluded shortly before departure, the information according to the preceding paragraph shall be provided to the extent practicable. If the cancellation right is an integral part of When in Norway AS standard conditions, he is obliged to make the customer aware of this.
4.2. Entry Requirements
Prior to entering into the agreement, the organizer / intermediary shall provide the customer with general information on the passports and visa requirements applicable to the desired destination (s) for citizens of EU / EEA countries. As far as possible, it should also be stated about how long it will take to obtain a visa.
Anyone who places an order for others is obliged to provide correct and supplementary information about their fellow travelers. This message must be included on the order confirmation in a clear and eye-catching way. If specific information about entry rules for the selected trip is provided for practical reasons first with the travel confirmation or later, the customer may cancel the agreement and claim the refunded deposit in full if the relevant provisions significantly affect the possibility of completing the journey.
Travelers with foreign passports from countries outside the EU / EEA area shall be given instructions on where to obtain the necessary information if the organizer / intermediary is not able to obtain such information.
The traveler is obliged to give correct information in accordance with. the requirements that the national authorities had to set as a condition for entry.
If the authorities of the country of entry present new requirements for personal information on entry or other form requirements after the travel documents have been issued, the tour operator / intermediary shall notify the customer to the extent possible.
4.3. Health information
Customer shall, before acting informed about any health formalities in connection with the journey and stay.
4.4 Transport information
The tour operator is obliged to inform which transport companies carry out the different transport parts of the journey. By changing the transport company for the journey are bought, notice shall be given as soon as practical athletic possible.
4.5. Other relationships
The agreement shall confirm that When in Norway AS has provided a statutory guarantee to the Travel Guarantee Fund or similar scheme, as well as provide information on how the fund can be contacted.
5. Customer's right to cancel or transfer the journey
5.1. Cancellation in exceptional circumstances
The customer has the right to cancel the package tour, and be refunded the amount paid for the package trip, if the destination or in the immediate vicinity of this before the holiday package will take to, ascertained inevitable or extraordinary circumstances as acts of war, natural disasters, dangerous infectious sick judge or other events which must be equated with those mentioned and which will affect the execution of the package journey or the transport of the customer to the destination.
The right to cancel should also apply if events occur on or along the itinerary, and they pose a real risk to the customer. Claims for refund of benefits that are not part of the package journey must, if payment of such benefits have already been relayed from When in Norway AS to the appropriate service, directed to the appropriate service provider on a contractual basis.
The right to cancel after this point does not apply if the customer knew, or should know, the circumstances when he entered into the contract for the purchase of the trip.
5.2. Cancellation for payment
When it applies to The Short Walks and The Experienced Hikers Tours, the customer has the right to cancel the journey 48 hours before the tour starts without any cancellation fees. If the customer cancels after the deadline, he gets no refunds.
When the peculiar and documentable nature of the journey makes it reasonable, for example where When in Norway AS right to reimbursement from its subcontractors is limited, When in Norway AS may set different conditions from the above reimbursement rules.
The customer's cancellation right can nevertheless be limited to a greater extent than When in Norway AS right over its subcontractors.
The individual reimbursement rules must be easily understandable and must be given in a clear and clear manner before ordering. If such information is not provided in a clear and clear manner when ordering and When in Norway AS is unable to substantiate that such information has been provided prior to ordering, the customer is nevertheless not obliged by When in Norway AS deviating rules.
Cancellation then follows the above refund policy.
If the customer's booking includes more and the agreed total price is based on discounts or rebates linked to the number of participants, the basis for such discounts or rebates may lapse if any of the traveling companions cancel. In the event of such partial cancellation, When in Norway AS shall reimburse the proportionate share of the agreed / paid price to those who cancel, and collect any additional price due to the cancellation of discounts related to the size of the group, from the remaining participants.
5.3. In case of sudden and severe illness or accident - voluntary cancellation protection.
If the customer has taken out cancellation protection / insurance, or if similar rules have been made as part of When in Norway AS standard conditions, the customer has the right to demand that he be released from the agreement if he can document that the conditions for such cancellation are fulfilled. He is obliged to notify When in Norway AS of the cancellation as soon as possible after he is aware of the circumstances which entitle the cancellation to this point.
The cancellation protection shall at least give the right to cancellation if the customer himself, spouse, registered partner, cohabitant, children, parents, in-laws or siblings, is affected by sudden and serious illness, accidental injury or death. The same applies if such circumstances affect one with whom he travels, and it would be unreasonable to require that the customer then make the journey without him being involved. Equated with sudden and severe ill judgment is sudden and severe incidents that affect the customer or his traveling companion, ref. above, which means that it is not reasonable to require the customer to complete the journey. Such events may be fire or water damage to real estate, etc.
The right under the preceding paragraphs presupposes that the traveler himself did not know, or should know, the circumstances which cause the voyage to be unavailable, or that he himself is not responsible for such circumstances.
The client undertakes to provide intermediary or When in Norway AS notified of cancellation as soon as possible after he is familiar with the circumstances warranting the cancellation after this point, and to be obtaining sufficient evidence of the disease from a doctor, or the inhibiting circumstance instance. by a certificate from the police department or insurance company.
If the customer has accepted the When in Norway AS its own cancellation protection, the When in Norway AS at avbestilling according to the foregoing provisions, refund the amount paid (net of the cost of cancellation protection) without undue delay as soon as the necessary documentation has been provided by the customer, possibly after deduction of a reasonable management fee. The condition is also that the fee is stated in When in Norway AS individual conditions or the insurance document.
If the booking includes more travelers and the total price reflects a discount or discount based on the total number of participants, a cancellation for one or more of the following may result in the terms of the agreed price no longer being met. This shall not cause the re remaining participants a price increase but covered by cancellation protection.
When in Norway AS has the right to transfer the travelers to another accommodation that is better suited to the size of the remaining group and which otherwise corresponds to the originally booked accommodation. The right to such a transfer is conditional upon that the move does not reduce the content of the selected package travel, or making sure the information given on the package tour or agreed supplements are no longer met.
5.4. Transfer of the package tour
The customer has the right to transfer the journey to another person who fulfills the conditions for participating in the package tour. The condition is that When in Norway AS or the intermediary is notified of this within a reasonable time before the package tour starts, and that When in Norway AS and / or subcontractors he uses are not bound by any rules prohibiting such transfer.
In the event of a transfer, When in Norway AS may charge a reasonable name change fee. The original customer and the new traveler are jointly and severally liable for both such fee and any remaining amount for the trip.
When in Norway AS disclosure pursuant to the Package Travel Act and these conditions are considered normally met across the new customer to the extent that disclosure is fulfilled against whoever goes journey. If further information is needed, and this is practically possible, When in Norway AS will nevertheless be obliged to provide the necessary information to the person to whom the trip has been transferred. When in Norway AS has no responsibility if the person who receives the journey entrusted to him does not satisfy the requirements of the country of entry.
5.5. Change of order
The traveler can change the day of travel, type of trip or the like. against a reasonable administration fee, if When in Norway AS has the opportunity to fulfill the new wishes. Exceeding When in Norway AS their costs of the change amount of the fee, can endrin gene is regarded as a cancellation. When in Norway AS must inform the client that the rules on avbestilling against payment in section. 5.2. will apply.
6. Oslo Hiking AS's right to cancel or change the journey without liability.
6.1. Too few enrolled
When in Norway AS
may cancel the individual travel if the number of seats or occupancy share he has set in his individual conditions as conditions for discontinuing the trip is not sold. The time limit must not be shorter than:
- 31 days before departure day starts on trips that last more than 6 days.
- 31 days before the package tour begins with journeys lasting between 2 and 6 days.
- 31 days before the package tour begins with journeys lasting less than 2 days.
Written notice of such cancellation must be received by the customer no later than the deadline. When in Norway AS is obliged to notify the customer of cancellation after this point as soon as possible. In the event of cancellation after this point, all amounts paid by the customer shall be refunded as soon as possible.
6.2. Obstacle outside When in Norway AS control
When in Norway AS may cancel a voyage without liability if the package voyage cannot be completed due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances and the traveler is notified of the cancellation without undue delay. Such obstacles may, according to the circumstances, be war or acts of war, natural disasters, dangerous infectious diseases or other events which must be equated with those mentioned above.
If a trip is canceled before it starts due to obstacles beyond When in Norway AS control, he is obliged to reimburse the customer all amounts paid immediately. Alternatively, the customer should be offered free of charge to participate in another package trip of similar or higher quality if When in Norway AS can offer this. If the customer is offered an alternative journey of lower quality than agreed, the traveler should be given an appropriate price discount.
In accordance with the same conditions as mentioned in the first paragraph, When in Norway AS will not be liable for damages if the packing journey becomes defective or must be canceled as a result of such obstacles occurring after the packing journey has begun. If the journey is shortened by When in Norway AS or the customer canceling it due to. In such circumstances, the customer will still be entitled to a proportionate price reduction. When in Norway AS undertakes to the extent that it is possible to eliminate any risks or inconveniences to the customer. If the journey is to be canceled, When in Norway AS is obliged to return the customer to the agreed return home free of charge and with the least possible disadvantage for the customer. The time of repatriation will depend on an assessment of the actual situation on the site, including the real risk and / or the real disadvantages of a continued stay. Norwegian and local authorities' statements should be emphasized in this assessment.
If When in Norway AS fails to return home or postpone it unnecessarily and the customer has to arrange for the return journey himself, the organizer is responsible for any additional expenses the client incurs as a result.
6.3 When in Norway AS right to change the content or conditions of the journey after entering into an agreement
When in Norway AS cannot change the terms of the agreement or the specifications of the trip to the disadvantage of the customer after the agreement is made, unless reservations are made to change the specified services / specifications, and this is expressly stated in the individual agreement, ie travel voucher or other agreement document.
When in Norway AS is obliged to notify the customer in writing as soon as possible if he wishes to change the conditions or content according to this point.
At the same time, When in Norway AS shall inform the customer of his right to cancel the purchase of the trip if the changes will cause the journey to suffer significant deficiencies for the customer after the change, or to demand a price reduction if the journey will be defective. If the customer does not claim this right within three days of the notification of the change, he loses the right to cancel the purchase or demand a price reduction. If special circumstances mean that the deadline cannot be met, the customer is obliged to give notice as soon as possible and within a reasonable time.
7. Obligations of the parties
7.1. When in Norway AS / intermediary's duties
When in Norway AS shall wind up the journey in accordance with what has been agreed with the traveler, cf. section 2. If, in unforeseen circumstances, changes in the journey are necessary, When in Norway AS shall, to a reasonable extent, ensure that the traveler is exposed to the least possible disadvantage.
When in Norway AS shall provide appropriate assistance to travelers in difficulty as soon as possible. The assistance shall be to provide appropriate information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance and, where appropriate, assist with finding alternative travel services. When in Norway AS may charge a reasonable fee for assistance if the difficulties are caused intentionally or negligently by the traveler.
The tour operator / intermediary must provide information as soon as possible on matters which he understands, or should understand, have an impact on the traveler.
Points out the traveler lacks the journey, duties When in Norway AS doing what within a reasonable hetens boundaries is possible to correct the fault as soon as possible.
7.2 Customer's Duties
The customer is obliged to familiarize himself with these general terms or conditions which the organizer has published on his website, in his directory or otherwise.
a) Payment: The customer is obliged to pay the agreed remuneration within the time limit set in the terms. Significant payment default gives When in Norway AS the right to cancel the order.
b) Information: The customer is obliged to provide the intermediary or When in Norway AS with the relevant information which he understands or should understand has a significant impact on the execution of the package journey. Those who book for fellow travelers are obliged to provide correct and relevant information in relation to these as well. When in Norway AS is not responsible for any problems that arise as a result of the personnel or special needs of fellow travelers not being properly provided. Anyone who orders a package tour on behalf of others is obliged to make sure that the party (s) involved in the package tour can comply with the rules set by When in Norway AS , and that the package in question is of such a nature that the enrolled person can participate in it with no burdens for themselves or others
c) Complaints: The traveler is obliged to notify When in Norway AS without undue delay if he discovers a defect which will give him rights under points 8.1 a) - e). If the defect is discovered after the packing journey has begun, the customer must, as far as possible, advertise on the spot.
d) Documents etc : The customer is obliged to check that tickets and travel documents are in accordance with the booking and that the names of travelers are in accordance with what is in the passport. The traveler is required to bring a valid passport, any visa / health certificates, tickets, reference number and other documents that may be required for the trip. The traveler himself is obliged to provide such documents as may be necessary for the individual journey, and he himself is obliged to take out the insurance he may feel necessary. When in Norway AS has the right to reject a traveler if the necessary documents are not brought.
e ) Respect for fellow etc : The customer is obliged to abide by the When in Norway AS own regulations as they are presented to him before signing the agreement, hotels and other delleveran 'corporate rules and regulations, as well as to comply with the carrier and the local laws. The customer shall also comply with the instructions given by When in Norway AS regarding attendance time, attendance etc. during the journey, as well as the orders the carrier or transport manager may give in connection with unforeseen events during the journey.
The individual participant on the journey must not act so that it is a nuisance for the fellow travelers or creates safety or practical problems for Oslo Hiking AS. When in Norway AS has the right to reject a traveler at the start of the journey if the traveler's behavior or condition makes it clear that he cannot meet the requirements in this section.
f) Return home etc : The traveler is obliged to comply with When in Norway AS possible provisions regarding confirmation of return tickets on scheduled flights. If this is not done, the reserved seats cannot be expected to be used. Furthermore, the traveler is obliged to keep himself informed of any changes in departure time, by contacting the tour operator or the tour operator's representative if the traveler has removed from the travel company or otherwise made himself / herself unavailable for the last 24 hours before the scheduled departure. The traveler is otherwise obliged to follow When in Norway AS requests to read When in Norway AS e-mail, SMS messages, spreadsheets, visit information desk or reception as long as this does not cause undue hassle or inconvenience to the traveler.
g) Consequences of breach of duty: A serious breach of these provisions after the condition is stated gives When in Norway AS the right to refuse the relevant passenger further participation in the journey.
When in Norway AS then has no responsibility for extra expenses in connection with advanced / changed home travel. Also, the rejected traveler cannot raise claims regarding the part of the journey that is not used.
The Customer may be held liable for any loss or additional expenses incurred by When in Norway AS in the event of serious breach of the above provisions. The customer is liable for damages and losses etc. according to the usual rules of compensation.
8. About deficiencies
8.1. Missing before departure
The customer can cancel the agreement before the packing journey begins if it is clear that the packing journey will have significant defects.
The same applies if the terms of the agreement change and the change is a material disadvantage for the customer. Price increases of more than 8% should always be regarded as a significant disadvantage. In the event, the customer shall notify When in Norway AS of the cancellation within a reasonable time. Unless special reasons so indicate, such notification should be given no later than one week after notification of the change was received, or as soon as possible if notification is received shortly before departure.
The customer is then entitled to a full refund of all amounts paid and any compensation according to the rules in section 29 of the Package Travel Act.
Alternatively, he is entitled to participate in another package trip of similar or higher quality if When in Norway AS or the intermediary can offer this. If the proposed alternative travel services result in a package trip of lower quality than agreed, the traveler shall be given a passport price discount.
If When in Norway AS does not offer such a replacement trip, the customer can buy a trip that corresponds to the original within reasonable limits, and hold When in Norway AS liable for any additional costs associated with this purchase in accordance with the usual rules of indemnity. Is such coverage to purchase considerably more expensive than the cost of the original journey, the claims are not normally expected.
8.2. Missing after departure
The package trip has a defect in the lack of or inadequate delivery of the travel services that are part of a package trip and this is not due to the customer or circumstances on his part.
The customer is obliged to advertise any defects he discovers without undue delay.
Claimable deficiencies after departure give the customer the following rights:
a) Remedy:
The customer may demand that When in Norway AS remedy the defect if this can be done without unreasonable cost or inconvenience to him. The remedy must be done within a reasonable time set by the customer. If the defect is not remedied within the deadline, the traveler can remedy the defect himself and claim the necessary expenses reimbursed.
If the customer refuses rectification that will remedy the defect, or fails to advertise to When in Norway AS or When in Norway AS representative where possible, so that rectification can occur, he loses the right to further claims.
b) Alternative travel services
The customer may require that When in Norway AS offer an alternative travel service if a substantial part of the travel services cannot be delivered according to the package travel agreement. When in Norway AS shall, if possible, offer an alternative travel service of similar or higher quality at no additional cost. If the proposed alternative travel services result in a package trip of lower quality than agreed upon, the traveler shall be given an appropriate price reduction. The traveler can only reject the offer if they are not comparable to what follows from the package travel agreement, or if the price reduction is insufficient.
(c) Price reduction:
If the package trip has a defect that significantly affects the completion of the package trip and Oslo od the package trip has had a defect.
d) Raise:
If the package trip has a defect that significantly affects the completion of the package trip and When in Norway AS has not remedied the shortage or offered alternative services, the customer can cancel the agreement and claim back the value of the travel services that have not been delivered.
If the customer cancels the agreement in accordance with this provision, he is entitled to free of charge transport back to the place of departure or other place where the journey was to be terminated, if the package journey contains a transport element. The rules in paragraph 6.2., Third paragraph apply in the same way.
(e) Compensation:
If the package trip is defective and this results in the customer suffering loss, the customer may claim compensation from When in Norway AS.
When in Norway AS liability according to the front standing lapses if When in Norway AS can prove that the defect is due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. The right to compensation also does not apply if the defect is due to a third party who is not linked to the provision of the travel services included in the agreement, and the defect could not be foreseen or avoided.
Where transport law legislation limits the scope or conditions for compensation from a carrier, the same restrictions apply to When in Norway AS
8.3 Limitations of damages
Where transport law legislation limits the scope or conditions for compensation from a carrier, the When in Norway AS may limit the compensation in the package travel agreement, but not less than three times the total price of the package trip.
The limitation does not apply to personal injury or injury caused intentionally or negligently by When in Norway AS.
8.4 Relationship with other legislation on transport law
The customer's right to a price reduction or compensation does not limit the customer's rights under other transport law. Price reductions and compensation under the Package Travel Act and compensation under other transport legislation must be deducted from each other so that the customer is not given too high compensation.
The customer can direct his claim for a price reduction or compensation to When in Norway AS of the package tour. Any claims against the carrier (eg the airline) under other legislation on transport law (including standard compensation under the EU Regulation on the rights of air passengers) must be addressed to the carrier.
Regardless of whether When in Norway AS is liable for damages in accordance with the above, the traveler is obliged to limit the loss as best he can. Compensation cannot be claimed for loss or damage caused by the traveler's own negligence or circumstances.
Relationship to EU Regulation 2004-261 (Delays, cancellations and overbookings)
The regulations can be found at this address: https://lovdata.no/static/SF/pdf/32004r0261.pdf .
In the event of delays, cancellations and / or overbooking, the rules that follow from the EU regulation apply.
Any requirements under this regulation must be addressed to the carrier.
Where the EU regulation gives the passenger the right to cancel the transport contract, this does not apply to the rest of the package journey unless the defect is of such a nature that the conditions for canceling the package trip are met, cf. section 8. Minor delays usually give not entitled to cancel the purchase of the package tour. If the passenger chooses to cancel / cancel the purchase of the journey in accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation, but the conditions for canceling the purchase of the package travel under the Package Travel Act are not present, the customer shall only have refunded the part of the purchase price related to the transport. When in Norway AS is obliged to make the customer aware that full refund of the package travel price will not happen.
8.5 The following conditions are not normally regarded as a defect in the package journey in accordance with the provisions of section 8:
a) Deviations from the expectations the customer has had and which were not created by When in Norway AS, such as. any other construction standard at the destination or other destination-related conditions, if the conditions the customer complains about, must be considered to be “ordinary” at the destination.
b) Abnormal weather and other natural conditions When in Norway AS had or should have knowledge of cabinets to
c) Conditions that the traveler must expect may arise from time to time, which are outside of When in Norway AS control or that do not deviate from what is considered provided for in the agreement. The change of accommodation due to overbooking should not be regarded as “expected deviation”.
d) Delays during transport or change of departure / arrival times, when the stay at the destination is not shortened by more than a maximum of 6 hours for journeys with a duration of less than 5 days, or 8 hours for journeys between 5 and 8 days, or a maximum of 12 hours for journeys. with a duration of more than 8 days. If the delay / change in departure / arrival times is due to measures taken by the aviation authorities, exceptional weather conditions, congestion in the airspace or other similar conditions the organizer or carrier cannot influence, the pre-set deadlines are doubled. That ratio is not designated as defective by this determination does not prevent the customer to have the assistance and the optional compensator board customer is entitled to according to said European Regulations.
e) Deviations from the contract due to the customer's own circumstances.
9. Dispute settlement
In the event of a complaint, the traveler must be made aware of the appeal procedure, and that if the customer's complaint / claim is not met or the parties do not agree, the case can be brought before the Appeals Board (Package Travel Committee) or other dispute resolution body as well as any complaint fees in this regard.
The EU complaint portal can also be used if the customer wishes to file a complaint. This is particularly relevant if the complaint is a resident of another EU / EEA country. The complaint is filed here http://ec.europa.eu/odr.
10. Entry into force
These Terms and Conditions for Package Travel apply from 01.07.2018 and replace from the same date the same terms as from 1.1.2015